Friday, July 20, 2007

Some wise advice

One of the things I love to do is Spinning. If you are not familiar, Spinning is a particular type of workout on a special Spinning stationary bike. It was invented by a guy named Johnny G and is a terrific cardio workout. A class generally lasts about 45 minutes. I have been known to do two classes on a Monday night with 50 minutes on the bike on my own in between classes, a total of about 2-1/2 hours on the bike. I like the way I feel after one of these workouts. I have an online Spin buddy who is also a personal trainer. She tells me that these long sessions may be counter-productive. Her point is that anything over about 45 minutes can start to burn muscle mass rather than fat cells, especially if done at an intensity that approaches VO2 max.

I have to do some thinking about this. I definitely don't want to burn muscle, but at the same time I want to train to be able to stay on the bike for extended periods of time. There is no way I can get into a Spin class and not work intensely, so I may need to re-think the double sessions.

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